Biosphere Solar B.V. new member IRBC Agreement for the Renewable Energy Sector
The IRBC Agreement for the Renewable Energy Sector is expanding with Biosphere Solar B.V. as party to the agreement. This brings the total number of companies, organisations and governments involved to 40. By participating in the agreement, the company wants to contribute to transparent value chains and strengthen cooperation with other parties in the value chain.

Biosphere Solar B.V. started around 3 years ago, with the intention to make the solar market and industry more sustainable. The company works on the development of a circular and fair solar panel. This means a solar panel that is modular and therefore completely disassemblable, which enables repairs and low-cost, high-efficiency recycling. Together with the parties to the agreement, the company will work to apply due diligence throughout the entire value chain.
"Biosphere Solar is proud to join the IRBC Agreement for the Renewable Energy Sector. The initiative aligns perfectly with our commitment and determination to bringing circular and fair standards to the solar industry, a mission we can only accomplish with the combined force of the industry and market. With this collaboration, we strive to allow our society to harness the power of renewable energy sources, as well as set forward the necessary vision for a positive and sustainable future." - Perine Fleury, Director of Biosphere Solar.
In the agreement, solar and wind energy companies, trade unions, NGOs and the Dutch government work together with the aim of promoting international responsible business conduct (IRBC) in the renewable energy sector. This is done by jointly identifying risks in the value chain in the field of human rights and the environment and addressing or preventing them, for example through collective projects. See the full overview of the participants.