About this Agreement

Many of the food products found in Dutch shops or the ingredients that go into these products are produced elsewhere, in countries where human rights, worker health and safety, and the environment may be at risk.

These problems are often so complex that any one business acting alone will achieve very little. That is why this Agreement has been signed by a broad coalition of parties consisting of sector organisations, trade unions, the Dutch national government, and civil society organisations.


Organisations that have signed the Agreement undertake to identify such problems as low wages and child labour and help combat them. They support the right of negotiation by independent trade unions and occupational health and safety for workers. They also do their best to reduce damage to the environment and the climate.

International agreements

Dutch business enterprises have a responsibility to prevent and address these risks based on international guidelines and agreements. These agreements are set out in the:

The OECD Guidelines state that business enterprises must investigate the extent to which they are involved in human rights abuses and environmental damage. This process is known as ‘due diligence’.